
March 17, 2020
by Sean McCaffery

This was addressed to our "New York Red Bulls Family". He hopes all are well in these difficult circumstances. The team keeps all and their families in their thoughts. Despite missing seeing all at RBA, the key is the safety of everyone. They always put a lot of effort into putting people first and thusly have been in close contact with players and staff during this crisis to assure health, safety and general welfare in order to better serve all in the time to come.

March 16, 2020
by Sean McCaffery

This 2nd year MLS team is building their new home ground in this neighborhood which is of lesser means, now not only are they hiring locals to work for them but they als set their sights on fundraising. In light of the statewide order to shutter the schools, they are now taking in funds to help such families during this hard time at the hand of the Coronavirus. The money brought in will serve to assist the youth and their families to eat, fully 100% will go toward this end. The money is bound for Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy, Hayes Porter & St.

March 15, 2020
by Sean McCaffery

The head of the only Div. 1 Soccer Leauge in the land, Don Garber made yet another statement on this virus running rampant through the land.

He made it known that the league, as the rest of us are keping an eye on the effect of the illness world wide. Earlier in the week the league made the necessary decision to halt play for 30 days. All involved were in agreeement of their goal, ensuring the well-being of all.

They are in alingment with the CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada and local public health authorities on the next moves relative their 2020 season.

March 12, 2020
by Sean McCaffery

Out of Miami is the not so news that the CCL has been put on ice for now. The Confederations announcement that based upon the high level of import they place on the welfare of all involved in their games they took this action. They have been watching very well the the issues with the  Coronavirus as it has morphed both in the states and their region as a whole. As various municipalities set up new guidelines, they found it best to suspend the CCL . They will continue with their plans for the future competiions within the tourney and when it is time they will make it known.

March 12, 2020
by Sean McCaffery

Is this a reaction or an over reaction to the Corona Virus? Basel & Eintracht just kicked off in an all but empty stadium a little while ago. The following is a compilaton of no less than half a dozen notices from various teams within the league in no particualar order. The last paragraph will have my take on it, I know next to nothing on the disease and medicine in general, just figured to put it out there. 

